EU HNS TTX MD: a short review from the tabletop exercise in the Republic of Moldova. More than 94 participants from 14 different countries (
) brought their experience to the Host Nation Support tabletop exercise, conducted in cooperation with the Inspectoratul General pentru Situații de Urgență al MAI (IGSU – General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations).

In total 24 experts from IGSU were working at the HNS cell together with representatives of 12 ministries and 4 experts in the EUCPM, supported by a Liaison Officer from the ERCC. Representatives from 12 ministries, IOM (International Organization for Migration) and UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency) were present. The international intervention teams were represented by three USAR and EMT skeleton modules (team leader and deputy team leader) and further 2 EMT, 3 USAR, and 2 CBRN modules, and a team of map-action – virtually played by EXCON the inject cell.
Within the next few days, we will inform you in detail about the element which has been part of the exercise.