Project EU HNS: The objectives of the HNS TTX are:
The objective of the contract is to design, plan, conduct and evaluate two tabletop exercises (TTX) with host nation support (HNS) as the main topic for key actors involved in a UCPM response.
The two HNS TTX must be conducted in different countries outside Europe with different emergency management structures.
Host Nation Support project with development and table-top exercises in the Republic of Moldova and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
(picture: Stakeholder meeting with experts from Public Security Directorate, Civil Defence Directorate of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)
Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities in the Project
Consortium Partners
GO: coordination with DG ECHO and ERCC for participants selection, coordination with implementing partners, evaluation of participants, documentation and reporting
Publicomm GmbH, media and consultancy, Austria
SME: Development of HNS toolkit and training, design of the HNS TTX and initial scenarios, Planning of logistics, lessons learned meeting, communication, dissemination and visibility
iHELP Institute, Poland
NGO: TTX scenario and schedule, Pre-exercise meetings, EXCON personnel for the two TTX
Pool of Experts
In the implementation of the project EU HNS, experts will have a particularly important role.
- On one hand we will establish an advisory group (AG) to evaluate the projects progress and results and participate at the online conferences,
- On the other hand, the experts will be invited to contribute in their relevant field of expertise to crosscheck the activities and get advise for a successful project development,
- EU HNS experts will get the experts’ kit, will be invited into the signal group and access to all project related data, publications and project results and outcomes,
- Great exchange and network opportunity for Civil Protection experts
- No physical attendance is needed, the project will be mainly conducted online.
EU HNS project to design, plan, conduct and evaluate two EU host nation support tabletop exercises for actors involved in UCPM response in the Republic of Moldova and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, funded by the European Commission, DG ECHO.
Two TTX will be conducted in different countries, one outside the EU and one outside Europe, with different emergency management structures combining national, international, and cross-border dimensions. The exercises will have about 45 participants and 22 staff.
Implementing partners for the exercises are:
- Public Security Directorate, Civil Defence Directorate, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, Moldova.