
What is the so called EXCON?

Only some days left until the exercise will start, let’s take a look into our next topic, what exactly happens at the EXCON, the EXercise CONtrol?

The EXCON room is the management centre for exercises, in our case a TTX (tabletop exercise) where the coordination, communication, and up-to-date situational overview happens. It is managed by the chief exercise controller and his team of four and provides a dedicated space (separated from the exercise participants) from which the exercise management team can manage and run the exercise from. The room contains all the equipment and materials needed in order to monitor and run the exercise. All inject situation updates, the vOSOCC posts, and the role players are coordinated here. The EU HNS TTX is a so-called participant-driven exercise, therefore, the timing of the injects is depending on the progress the participants are making.

The Chief Exercise Controller will supervise and monitor the development and the TTX participants. Being in control of the capabilities and performance of the participants, daring them, but avoiding overextending their capacities and knowledge is the best way, to bring improvement in managing the challenge of this extraordinary disaster situation.
The UCPM aims at assisting and supporting the affected country to receive international assistance most effectively and efficiently, in the disaster response and recovery phases. For the EU HNS TTX in Moldova, the UCPT, skeleton and virtual modules, other response capacities, TAST and experts from as many different participating states will participate.

Currently, you can see the performance of the UCPM in the response to the devasting earthquake in Turkey and for the Arab Republic Syria. Immediately after the request, 20 EU Member States, as well as Albania, Montenegro and Serbia offered assistance. This includes 31 search and rescue teams and 5 medical teams via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The teams consist of a total of over 1,650 rescuers and 100 search and rescue dogs. In addition, blankets, tents, power generators and heaters have been offered to the affected states.

